Oferta bomba !!

Daca tot o sa fie saptamana cadourilor, o saptamana cu o mare sarbatoare si mai ales saptamana in care vine Mos Craciun , am decis sa venim si noi cu o oferta bomba pentru dumneavoastra !!!

                           7+3 = 350 euro ( pentru echipele rezervate , se plateste avans jumatate )

Asa ca nu ratati sansa de a rezerva echipa sau echipe , pentru a concura pe o ruta frumoasa , intr-0 concurenta cat mai mare si cat mai puternica !!!

                          Aceasta oferta o sa fie valabila doar in saptamana 21 – 27 decembrie !!!

Va asteptam alaturi de noi intr-un numar cat mai mare !! ( echipele deja rezervate nu se pot schimba)


If it’s still going to be gift week, a week with a big holiday and especially the week when Santa Claus comes, we decided to come with a bomb offer for you !!! 7 + 3 = 350 euros (for reserved teams, half advance is paid) So do not miss the chance to reserve the team or teams, to compete on a beautiful route, in 0 competition as big and as strong as possible !!! This offer will be valid only in the week of December 21 – 27 !!! We are waiting for you with us in as large a number as possible !!(teams already booked cannot be changed)