Daca tot este luna cadourilor , am decis sa incercam sa facem si noi o mica bucurie pentru 10 dintre participantii care au porumbei rezervati la noi anul acesta , asa ca inainte de revelion o sa facem o extragere ( o sa scriem pe cate un biletel numele fiecarui concurent care sa inscris la noi si a rezervat echipa/echipe si o sa extragem 10 dintre biletele ) , in urma careia cei 10 participanti extrasi o sa castige cate un porumbel gratis pe langa echipa sau echipele pe care le au deja rezervate !!
Speram sa putem sa aducem o mica bucurie , un mic dar si din partea noastra !!
Va multumim si va asteptam in numar cat mai mare alaturi de noi !!
If it’s still the month of gifts, we decided to try to make a little joy for 10 of the participants who have pigeons reserved for us this year, so before New Year’s Eve we will do a draw (we will write on a note the name of each competitor who signed up with us and reserved the team / teams and we will draw 10 of the tickets), after which the 10 drawn participants will win a free pigeon next to the team or teams they have already reserved !!
We hope we can bring a little joy, a little but also from us !!
Thank you and we are waiting for you in large numbers with us !!
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